So this a quick et of picture of my current desk reading "I wonder what it's like to be dyslexic" is a great way to discover what being a dyslexic is really like a most useful book indeed. Sam Barclay is it's maker.
Then the next is a gift for my office manager, I have always enjoyed Jim Collins work and this is a cheap grab in bookshop so sharing the knowledge and asking more of people,
"Meme Wars: The creative destruction of neoclassical economics" Kalle Lasn and adjusters because sometimes you should read things you know very little about, and economics is one of those places for me, Don't know if it is good or bad just beginning it, Wouldn't even know if it is a good place to begin but you have to begin somewhere. and this is my place to begin.
Then top of the pile is a comic "Kings Watch" Don't know Jeff Parker, but Marc Laming is a dear and great friend, I support my friends but only buy there work if I like it a lot. I even have original pages hanging in my house, he makes people live on paper. Keep and eye out for his work it is worth seeing. Oh great comics need two things great art and this comes out of great story and Jeff Parker does this well indeed, they are a great combination.
Enjoy your dyslexia because you can.
Still reading "The Strain" before bed, liking it a lot. This may be a step to far for some people but my toilet book is "Emperor Mollusc and the something or other?" by some bloke, by which you can gauge my level of interest, in it but it does pass the time!!
have a great day because you can
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