so finished "Magician's End" liked it, my favourite bit was the very last chapter! cannot tell you of it but it was a delight to me and a fitting bookend to this long tale of life. I did like the rather tidy way that Raymond E Feist drew long dead and past characters into the narrative, I has made me want to go and find so old friends in his tales. That will have to wait as my breakfast reading is Joe Hill " NOS-4R2".
So I have been looking through my current book buying and I have to read so much in the coming days and weeks. Some in preparation for a new part-time post I am going to work in.
This is the list:
Dan Roam: The Back of the Napkin.
Nathan Shedroff & Christohper Noessel: Make it so - Interaction Design Lessons from Science Fiction
Gavin Ambrose & Paul Harris: Basic Design: Layout
Saul Greenberg, Sheelagh Carpendale Nicolai Marquardt & Bill Buxton: Sketching User Experiences - The Workbook
Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur: Business Model Generation
Con Campbell: Outreach and the Artist
Then for fun list:
Joe Hill: anything by him but mostly NOS-4R2 and "Locke & Key" I am up to Volume 3 more seek out.
Stephen C. Meyer: Darwin's Doubt
short but I may find rest in others that I have read before because I know the story. Old friends, that help me to understand my own place in the world and whom I desire to be like or become. A portion of my time is spent in the Bible and I am so glad my "work" allows me to have that time to just be inside the scriptures.
Still as a dyslexic, which is a fluid thing and not a thing to be nailed down closely defined as mine gives me a space to be able to read and read well. But I am bothered by a poor short term memory. I think I am. Yes I am but that means I have developed ways of coping with this. But in all this I like my way of being in the world and how I see it.
So have a great day because you can.
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