Monday, 19 August 2013

first person?

My bed time reading has been a first person book all about an "I" It was ok coping with that until turn the page and then had a second person is in the story in the first person, as well. AAAAAHHHHHH, stopped reading that one, then picked up a book at the library, last week fantastic title brilliant cover design, and a horribly done, ( I am using the done as I cannot find a way of spelling something close to {the act of putting someone to death} that the spell checker can find.) That is how dyslexic is restricted, with a dictionary (the book), you can at least flick through to find the word in fact i will do that right now, execute, ha take that dumb spell checker. So anyway the dictionary was better than the two books I put down.

In our household we carry books as a habit, do you, my daughter has a pocket dictionary in her hand bag, she has some of my dyslexia, but she writes and reads heaps she is joy to have around my life.

Then my wife rocks to note books and pens are in here life. Ours has a driving underlying core value we express everyday Our god matters to us and then having a glorious sense of whimsy and it matters in a harsh world to have way that living and being is contrary to harshness with a wilful and deliberate strength of resistance.

Well I am starting to read again, back to Joe Hill we'll no I am saving it for a plane ride of sitting in the airport.

Have great day because you can, dyslexia is a great way to see the world, find one and ask. It is worth it, but maybe it will be hard to express, but give it time.

Saturday, 10 August 2013

what to read, what to read?

Well Joe Hill "Nos4R2" is not good breakfast time reading. Will have to find a better time to read that then. May have to swap it around with "The exegesis of Philip K Dick". Or something else Hmmm wonder what else I have I simply refuse to do any work reading at meal time or just before bed. I think "Orthodoxy" Gk Chesterton or James H. Cone or both think I may alternate them.

In our house we read a lot, because we like it and At meal times breakfast and lunch you can read but the evening meal is when we talk and laugh and enjoy time together. Because time together matters.

Dyslexia is a blast at least mine is, Hope you like yours It is the best way to see to view the world.

Have a great day because you can

Saturday, 3 August 2013

finished reading a book today

so finished "Magician's End" liked it, my favourite bit was the very last chapter! cannot tell you of it but it was a delight to me and a fitting bookend to this long tale of life. I did like the rather tidy way that Raymond E Feist drew long dead and past characters into the narrative, I has made me want to go and find so old friends in his tales. That will have to wait as my breakfast reading is Joe Hill " NOS-4R2".

So I have been looking through my current book buying and I have to read so much in the coming days and weeks. Some in preparation for a new part-time post I am going to work in.

This is the list:

Dan Roam: The Back of the Napkin.
Nathan Shedroff  & Christohper Noessel: Make it so - Interaction Design Lessons from Science Fiction
Gavin Ambrose & Paul Harris: Basic Design: Layout
Saul Greenberg, Sheelagh Carpendale Nicolai Marquardt & Bill Buxton: Sketching User Experiences - The Workbook
Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur: Business Model Generation
Con Campbell: Outreach and the Artist

Then for fun list:
Joe Hill: anything by him but mostly NOS-4R2 and "Locke & Key" I am up to Volume 3 more seek out.
Stephen C. Meyer: Darwin's Doubt
 short but I may find rest in others that I have read before because I know the story. Old friends, that help me to understand my own place in the world and whom I desire to be like or become.  A portion of my time is spent in the Bible and I am so glad my "work" allows me to have that time to just be inside the scriptures.

Still as a dyslexic, which is a fluid thing and not a thing to be nailed down closely defined as mine gives me a space to be able to read and read well. But I am bothered by a poor short term memory. I think I am. Yes I am but that means I have developed ways of coping with this. But in all this I like my way of being in the world and how I see it.

So have a great day because you can.