Saturday, 18 May 2013

I am so lost in what I am reading at the moment: World War Z, The Philosophical Breakfast Club, A Monster Calls, The Bible.

These books are pumping ideas in to my thinking. In World War Z the are these "RKR". It is something that Robert Macnamara first brought to my attention with the Vietnam War or American War, depending where you live. "RKR" is resource to kill ratio,  what do you get for what you spend.

The Philosophical Breakfast Club, is just so good, in asking what will you leave behind, not just as a legacy but in you friendships. Some of them don't play well with others.

A Monster Calls is such a tale of heartbreak so far anyway, not convinced it will have a uplifting ending but I will finish it. The effort so far is worth it, I do like the illustrations, more books should have them. The striking black and white are a delight, the monster is a ferocious, repelling, compelling thing. that you may wish to actually pass time with.

A grand thing about my dyslexia, good spacial awareness, the shape and  fit of things is quite intuitive and usually right. I like my dyslexia a whole heap. If you don't have it find a dyslexic and see if it rubs off. Have a great day because someone has to.

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