Wednesday, 3 April 2013

So it has been a little while been in some books, well still in "the philosophical breakfast club" it still pushes me, I ran into these words as one friend writes to another "Who the deuce ever did anything worth naming without a sacrifice of some kind or other?"

Then the book I am reading at breakfast and dinner, in our house we read heaps the only meal no reading is allowed at is the evening meal (oh we don't read at meals when we have visitors as that would be rude).  So anyway I am reading "Warm Bodies" I think it is a as important a parable of our times as the first living dead movies, were to their time. I like this book heaps.

I am also picking up on old one of my book shelves "What consumers really want: Authenticity" by James H. Gilmore & B. Joseph Pine II.

I'll let you know how that goes.

Being a dyslexic does mean that you are hyper aware of the world around as it changes all the time, and each change means a new map in a persons head, so just be aware, when a dyslexics complains about something new. You are rewiring their/our head each time.

I still think it dyslexia is best way to see the world. Have a good day, because someone has to.

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