there is an idea that i have read about, in regard to film about how late you can arrive in scene, and how early can you leave. I do wonder, why it is that the best bits of a book are at the end. I have manfully struggled my way through "Existence" by David Brin. The first four hundred pages are hard work, but the growth. In one particular character was lovely to see, she was Tor Pavlov, I have come to like her. Her diminishing physical humanity, draws a greater degree of life from and into her. The distinction between her and the ai life was fun to watch. So I have a few more pages to go. At page 473 the narrative structure made sense. To watch two characters not speak to each other across chapter breaks when one of them only hopes the other, is there. While the other, hopes not to be found. well so far anyway. Oh this had better have a great pay off and not be part of one of those where it becomes a trilogy.
I am a dyslexic, there is a thrill in not seeing the world like other people. There is a greater joy in thinking differently to others as well, have a great day because someone has to.
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