Monday, 30 July 2012

Saturday, 28 July 2012
I like not knowing things, like why has my last post been formatted oddly or it when I look at it, I like not knowing electricity goes down a wire, I like not knowing how a microwave works. Something sI don't mind not knowing. Why something works is find when it works but when it doesn't I get to learn something new. The beginning of wisdom can be in knowing who to ask. Then you have to listen, really hard and ask more questions. Until you get it. Asking questions is not dumb. Sitting there and feeling stupid is dumb. If you don't ask you will not find out. So go and learn ask enjoy the interaction this day.
If you have books they need some where to live, and thanks to a retweet by Marc Laming I am thinking how do I get these, make these. I maybe ready to move on from the ikea ones I have now. I do like them. I do have some quite wobbly ones I have had from B&Q for a number years. I thinkI will replace with these ones or similar from Tokyo. This could all be William Gibson's fault and I don't mind!! The shop they are in is so cool, go and find them at www.dezeen.com/2012/07/26/tokyos-tokyo, Go wild enjoy these. remember enjoy you day, oh and dyslexia is cool.
Friday, 27 July 2012
So page 180 William Gibson "Distrust that particular flavour" the chapter: My Own Private Tokyo These four words, "Folded paper. Junkie origami." four words and the art of exchange is shown in clarity that only seen by an outside observer, rather than an involved participant. A pusher and a junkie consumer, four words and a story is told, I have been reading William Gibson's works for a while now. Not one of his stories has translated into a gripping movie. I still watch them and find myself wondering where and how the choice to leave something out, has happened, rolling multiple characters and events into a single person and story arc. When it is on occasions the minor, lesser characters that draw us into the story. I think it might be the place where sometime we may appear. I haven't thought of myself as the hero, never wanted to be Frodo, or Neo, or Conan, or John Carter, or whoever you have thought of being. But I can do my bit to build a story in this world, I will be the friend someone needs at their worst or best moment, this will be at their moment of choosing, so how will you and I be ready? Enjoy your day, Dyslexics are the best find one see the world differently
Thursday, 26 July 2012
I have had a great day spent it will some good friends who help me understand some things about me. I have commissioned a picture from a very talented artist Marc Laming I make sure that I pick up as much of his work as I can I do get him to draw up characters from some of my own stories. On the website a dyslexic tale you can get to it by the link. I have put Tuft ears the battle bear on it. He is a bear who fights a Tyrannosaurus Rex. I am post it a bit bit at a time as I write it. In fact I'll stick the picture ink on here. I am so privileged to know so quite talented people who cause and help me to be better than I currently am. Marc does that for me.Thank you. Others do this as well I tell you of them some other time.
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
William Gibson: Real Ideas
So anyway I pick William Gibson "Distrust that particular flavour". China a can wait. So I am reading William and it is just, awesome. I like how he uses words to make a world happen in my head. He is describing a real world with real ideas. I like that he explains things from other cultures and still keeps the mystery, mostly causing a desire too see it for my self. " This is the closing sentence of an article he wrote for the in house magazine of Tate's(Whatever, whoever that is). Here it is then: "Just as life, lived silently enough, in sufficient solitude, becomes a different sort of sphere, no less perfect." I just want to read and know more because of his words. Man when I get to China he has something to live up to! I know he will up to it. Enjoy you day.
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Just to let you know I have finished Dan Simmons flashback, well worth a read I think. It does suck you into it's world, and people and you do end up caring and hoping. Now on to the next one either "embassytown" or on with "distrust that particular flavor" have started both but wonder which I will finish. Oh and those pieces of paper under the books are the beginnings of some thought for another story. Dyslexics should write stories, don't worry about the spelling punctuation first bring the story to life then it can grow from there. Enjoy your day.
Monday, 23 July 2012
There is something that I do when reading, I wonder do you do it as well I am reading Dan Simmons Book "flashback" took a while to like the lead character Nick Bottom, and follow where he went, now I am 490 pages into the story the story is coming to close. I know it is as there less words less pages in front of me than be hind me in this book. I am sucked into his desire to make sense of his pain his loss and betrayal, failure as man husband father son in law etc, but aT 490 pages in and I don't want the story to end. This my wondering am I the only one who slows down so as to be long in the tale, to be dwelling longer in the story. Am I the only one, I bet I hope I am not, But if I am does it matter. Still I am now off to write something. It will be posted on the website have great day. Remember dyslexics is a lovely thing to have, to see the world unlike other people.
Sunday, 22 July 2012
bookshop warnings
So I am in s book shop, looking for a book. This can be a helpful way to find books. This time it wasn't for me. My daughter found two so we bought those instead. But while there I found a sign. Some signs do bring out the worst in me I know this an occasionally delight it. This time I did my worst! Dyslexics of the untie.
Th reason it was difficult you find some books was I have just encountered this selection of books two were gift from my wife: The Philosophical Breakfast Club and The Decisive Moment. A poetry book by W.D. Snodgrass with I bought after readingan article about weird names and how this guy get over looked. Final one is a loaner from a friend about love poetry inspired by Sacred Voices such as Thomas Aquinas St. John of the Cross. working my way through them must stop of to the movies, The Dark Night Rises again.
Friday, 20 July 2012
Reading is a delightful thing to do, I do it every day, so should you. Reading is grand there is something that we should all do from time to time and that is this. Read out loud, it makes you read what is there rather than just guessing what might be there. Read it aloud for your own benefit. It is more fun to read out loud for another's benefit. The hardest part of reading aloud is when you read graphic novels or when someone has done it in dialect, To read out loud in dialect I would recommend just about any story by Brian Jacques his Redwall www.redwall.org/ tales are just great stuff, you may need to find an English person first of all to get the accent right as some are quite regional, my wife does the best accents ever! So today treat yourself, read something you have never read out loud before out loud. Reading can be hard for some dyslexics but do it anyway, even it takes more time, it is worth it. Enjoy have great day.
Wednesday, 18 July 2012

So I like to read about the whole science fiction thing I read old H. G Wells, Jules Vern and new as well, I'll be ordering Redshirts by John Scalzi, Shadow Ops: Control Point by Myke Cole, I was sucked in by the tag line, Army Officer. Fugitive. Sorcerer. I just like that string of Ideas.
Heavy Duty yes motorcycle magazines are just such a creative push the work in metal, is astounding, and to be applauded. I also like to fly fish, it is one of the things I do that gives me energy and puts me in touch with a wider world. So when I cannot get to the water reading Fishing Wild is the one that causes me to think about the way I wish to be. Where I wish to be.
Then I am kind of hooked on design and designers and the what could be I design process. So when I find a journal, such as the smith Journal, which has a wide range of information from Cheese Making to The styling that goes into Ice cream vans!! Yes that is true. The man who hand crafts knives. I do find the range of information is just thrilling. Finally Fast Thinking ideas are a good thing to be exposed to even if they are not in your field of expertise, it can promote a way of changing. So What is that you need exposure to, to cause your development. I also have in the past also taken courses to help with my writing. Take every opportunity to have your words ideas look at. It is risky but it shouldn't kill to much. Enjoy, throw out that transient material. It makes you feel better.
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Right then to writing, was the plan. So what a plan doesn't work out just stop pause and wonder why was that? The hardest things the stopping. You don't have to carry on. It is ok to stop. Sometimes the best thing is to stop. There is a time when you need to stop. The space where you think and work is cluttered! You find yourself think about the stuff on your desk and not the stuff in your head our life. It is the stuff of life that matters, you and I are meant to live. So go take walk, speak to a friend, wake someone up, this cane fun is the time difference is great!!!! I live in Australia it can happen, sorry if it does but it can happen coming the other way too. So love and forgiveness can be shared out. Oh yeah read a book, find a new one an old one there are moments where the words of another will lift your mind, heart, self to a newer hopefully better place. sometime just another place will do. My next place will be the table for a delicious bowl of carrot and corriader soup using orange and purple carrots. I will enjoy, you enjoy the rest of your day. The sunset is at the beach where I prefer to walk with my wife and daughter at the end of the day we laugh, talk, and splash in the ocean.
purple carrots,
Run Play,
the best thing,
Monday, 16 July 2012
Never be parted from.....

Then as a person who likes and drinks coffee, I grind my own beans, don't grow them yet maybe one day. Try a new place for somewhere in the world. I personally use "The Grind" in the central market in Adelaide. The fabulous women there occasionally give a sample of beans to try when the new batch comes in.
Then music, good and great a just stuff you like, I shape sound track to what I am writing. One story I am currently working on has this list the sound track to it.
David Crowder Band: b Collision - intro(I've had enough)
Sarah Jahn : Sparkle - Brand New Name
Kaleidophone: What's Your Tonic - Blow Over
Alistair Holland: 17 - Angel Eyes
Johnny Cash: American IV:The Man Comes Around - Big Iron
Johnny Cash: American III: Solitary Man - I Won't Back Down
Metallica: St. Anger - All Within My Hands
It allows me to access a feeling, which can be fleeting things, at a given point in time again and again.
So keep close what you need to get through this day enjoy.
Sunday, 15 July 2012
So anyway I am reading Onward by Howard Schultz, a book on how Starbucks survived some stuff. It is chock full of ideas and thoughts and events and what I find fascinating is a single idea that stays in my head. It is this "we moved the cheese", how does an idea as small and simple as that stay with me the book has many little stick it notes and tags on the edge of pages so I can go back to the ideas I want to think about , but the cheese it what come to mind, each time. Could be the diet ,my doctor has put me on and I am fixated on the foods I am not allowed. Who knows I don't. Have a great day enjoy it.
Friday, 13 July 2012
One of the things that happens because of how my dyslexia works is some time I type and write slower than I think and sometimes my mind will fill in the gaps, when I have not put a word in but when `I read it back I still see the missing word. Also I think that, no I know that I don't see the mistake either. so It becomes heaps harder to do things, like writing. Still reading has not been a problem, I have always read loads. Comes from having a desire to learn even when the education system in Hertfordshire taught me to not be able to read. I thank my parents for making sure I go extra reading lessons. Still you have to do it everyday. else it does become rusty. So I have now finished reading the first John Carter on Mars story.
What has ben the most telling was watching the blue ray and hearing what must have been Edgar Rice Boroughs say that he started writing because he wanted a slice of that rubbish writing pie. Start today you might get a piece of pie, or more who can tell. As William Goldman says of Hollywood no one knows what will be a hit, Have a good day
What has ben the most telling was watching the blue ray and hearing what must have been Edgar Rice Boroughs say that he started writing because he wanted a slice of that rubbish writing pie. Start today you might get a piece of pie, or more who can tell. As William Goldman says of Hollywood no one knows what will be a hit, Have a good day
John Cater,
piece of pie,
William Goldman,
So I do have to tell you, I am an anglican priest in Adelaide. Still you can do with that as you wish. So I find myself needing to be challenged about how I live and do what needs to life my game in serving the church, OI am in. So what do I do, I read ( know you won't like this but I have been thinking about Christmas. That is how much lead time I need to set things in motion) So this is what I have been reading, I won't list it so I took a picture it is best to show and not tell. These were yesterdays thinking prompters, I have the beginnings of an idea, so we'll see how it unfolds.
We also have a game we play while driving, the number plate letters become names and places by using the letters as a prompt. We then trash out what it could be. Feel free to take those and run with them. Have great day write something for yourself.
Thursday, 5 July 2012
I like to read. Reading one of the things I do to relax,it just gives me a place to escape to rather than from. I have never felt the need to leave this world I rather like it.
I do wonder if there other people who organise there reading lives as I do.
I have a book always in my bag sometimes two. In each room of the house I have the book I am reading. In my household we read at breakfast and lunch. Not the evening meal that is when we talk. So my meal reading is Edgar Rice Burroughs: John Cater of Mars Collection. Before sleeping is Fashback Dan Simmons. Study is just heaps of books I am working through and adding to my list each week. I did have one that I have been waiting for for a while, In Love and War by Jim & Sybil Stockdale. Started it straight out of the box. The fun thing is due to a postal delivery screw up I now have two copies. I shall gift it to someone, don't know who yet. have a great day.
Dan Simmons,
Jim Stockdale,
John Carter,
Monday, 2 July 2012
So today has been restful been food shopping bought so truly incredible purple carrots. You know Carrots weren't orange, and the orange ones are an aberration!!! So anyway these purple carrots were made into carrot and coriander soup. That was so dark in colour, it was almost black, and the taste was just beautiful in fact I shall have it tomorrow for my lunch. I liked it a lot. , as to reading just magazines today Uncut music magazine for the free cd, does that count as reading? One thing I will ponder is Tom Petty's preparation for delivering a concert. Empire magazine the Australia edition. Then Comic Heroes about comics and heroes, which had my disappointment for day in it my Judge Dredd keyring was broken. Oh be still me beating heart...... When I go to bed this evening the bedside book is Flashback by Dan Simmons. Enjoy the rest of your day
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