Monday, 29 July 2013

new books

So went to the bookshop not many here in Adelaide, so I am getting know there, they do a rather neat thing with some books they give them away to people have a loyalty card. I have one of them so, I got "Reality Hunger: a manifesto" by David Shields, I think this will an aeroplane book something to read in the airport. Also something call the "The 5th Wave" by Rick Yancey, nice cover, no idea what the story maybe, just a risk on a freebie, kind of easy.

Then with my own money, I bought a book I always thought I had, but turned out I didn't. "magician" by Raymond E. Feist. Then the latest by Joe Hill, " NOS-4R2" Ohh yeah looking forward to this one a lot. Then I picked up the Fringe tie in book "September's Notebook" It is rather nicely presented I like this a lot, I do confess that I like a pleasantly designed book and wow this is. plus a slightly crumpled corner makes it half price.

Finally a work book or a book for work, "The Back of the Napkin" by Dan Roam,  it is a book about presenting information, in pictures. which for a dyslexic will be fun to do. Let you know how it goes.

Now have a great day, because you can.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

short but sweet

For while I thought I had misplaced Locke & Key volumes 2 and 3. But I have found so now I can read them. The wait is over read the first one liked it.

Dyslexia is less affected by pictures, have a good day

Monday, 22 July 2013

Joe Hill a man of Hope

I have finished  Joe Hill "Horns" if is most likeable read. It finished Ig well tired it's self together in a most emotionally satisfying way. I find his writing is joyous and pushy. It pushed you to places that are uncomfortable, in ones own head. I also liked his attempts at theology. Flawed but a delight. I like the way he puts his words together.  He in the depths of hurt pain and self-interest engineers hope.

Oh I have also brought more of his work three volumes of Locke and Key. I think that I will gather his work and enjoy this hope filled and hope fuelled writer, Joe Hill rocks.

So as a Dyslexic, I like the world it is a great source of fun and delight,  I like that I don't think like others and that is a joy, I like being a dyslexic. Have a good day because you can.

Oh and my wife has bought me my new annual celebration book The last one was "The Philosophical Breakfast Club" which was  a great read, Now I have a book called "Darwin's Doubt" by Stephen C. Meyer. Upon opening it up to begin reading, I almost laughed out loud as Stephen C. Meyer is educated in Cambridge just like the cast of the "Breakfast Club" Is this some secret subliminal messaging from my wife? She says no but I am not so sure!!!

Enjoy life because you can.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

mother to son

Well I am liking this Joe Hill "Horns" I am approaching the closing chapters of the book then there is moments lucidity of Lee's mother which completely totally delightful.

Don't read on if you haven't read the book this a reveal but not the biggie!!!!

So Lee is dragging out the death of his mother, in the midst of this she has the measure of her son

"You ought to ask for your money back. You got gypped. You're just packaging. Just a good-looking box with nothing in it" Her laughter, was harsh and broken and passing.

I like how he rights, he puts in a moment that is pause inducing. Does cause me to think what would be the measure my mother would have of me. A big desire to the son I am supposed to be.

Still loving dyslexia it is the best way to view the world. Have a great day because you can

Monday, 15 July 2013

Joe Hill is stormingly good

So Mortal oh dear is now gone and I am back into Joe Hill, lost him because I cleared the table for a great evening of eating drinking with people I like. Found him so I open it up and I find this delightful string of words "I'm not going to be the reason for your regrets" in the midst of a slow burning row, between Ig and oh you are just going to read it for yourself. It is worth it well worth it.

Dyslexia is  a total blast mine is anyway

Have a great day because you can

mortal oh dear

So Just for my own self interest I picked up a copy of Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, Some one should paddle that girls butt, as punishment and not in 50 shades way kind of deal. Am going to watch the movie because of the trailer so that worked but I think she is going to be a whinny. She is whinny in this book, won't be getting the rest. There is a thought does occur to me about all this, It is the words of Edgar Rice Boroughs, which I encountered while watching extras on the John Carter Blu-ray, he said about the people who were producing pulp fiction in his time "I want a piece of that action" Know how he feels having waded through this Mortal tosh stuff. So now to do my own writing. Anyone want the movie rights to an idea?

Dyslexia is a good and life affirming thing. I like mine. have fun because you should/

Friday, 12 July 2013

read this book

So Black Theology & Black Power is very good this needs to be read again, it needs to be placed in the hands of another generation of a readers, black and white. I does push me in place I don't like, but what is liked or disliked doesn't matter, a passionate commitment to growth despite myself,

The idea that we grow should is right, growth is not the end, community is. Being a dyslexic is a delight, I like it the way I see and interact with the world because of it.

Have a great day as someone has to.

Monday, 8 July 2013

a forgotten book

This my replacement reading for the "The Philosophical Breakfast Club" I cannot remember where or when I heard about this, I ordered it ages ago and had forgotten that it was even coming!! Oh the excitement to open the packaging and the it is in all it's red splendour. Whatever it was that held my attention, whatever it was that prompted my to search it out, I feel no lack of disappointment, for my not knowing but a growing sense of expectation as this is my bed time reading now.

Joe Hill "Horns" is my breakfast reading, still reading it still liking it, the main character Ig is more likeable at the moment, I guess it is because he is less up himself.

Oh my dyslexia is really good today. Doing me some favours and then in the next letting my know that I have become slack in paying attention. To the things that matter.

Have a good day, because someone has to

Saturday, 6 July 2013

didn't bother to finish this one

For my bed time reading I picked up, a book called "Fade to Black" It was  not a good read I did ten or so pages and it saw dull, I couldn't find a way into the character, I didn't care enough, couldn't care enough, Others may like it. I didn't it is off to the second hand shop.

Even as a dyslexic I enjoy the world, I like how it makes me think, , I enjoy how I am. have a great day

Friday, 5 July 2013

the philosophical breakfast club

so I went to the movies watched a bad movie, left it early came home worked then went to bed. I have finished reading "The Philosophical Breakfast Club" by Laura J. Snyder, It is good a very good read. It is the drive to make a difference, that is the fuel for Richard Jones, William Whewell, John Herschel, and Charles Babbage, to change "science"to see greater rigour, and better observation in life and experiments. I like this read it, lots of stuff in here is thought and life provoking.

It is a joy to have read this.

I like being a dyslexic, it is a fantastic way to see the world, enjoy your day, someone has to. Just for information, for some dyslexics, written English is a second language. So this is not my best work or thinking. Just be aware that this could be a what is happening in the dyslexic's that you know.

Still read write enjoy don't be defined by what you are labelled etc., etc,

Thursday, 4 July 2013

The Great Bazaar & Brayan's Gold

I finished this last night and I enjoy his work but I do find it most annoying, when an author adds a dictionary to the end of his book, when it is data that should be in a story. The putting in of a Ward Grimoire is not helpful it needs to be inside the tale itself. I like Peter V. Brett's work but he need to trust me, us, we as readers, we are paying attention.

Dyslexia is a good and great way to see the world, enjoy it, it is blast be the best you, not a cheap copy of anyone else.