Wednesday, 27 February 2013

So I have calmed down now, I do hope you read Peter V Brett "The Day Light War" So now I wait for  the next book, and without ruining the ending of the book A dictionary is not an ending to a book!!!! Come on learn how to finish a story, don't remember who said it but it goes like this "leave them wanting more" I am so close to not wanting more and I liked this, very much I liked these three books. Dyslexia is a grand thing, I enjoy mine hope you enjoy yours. Now back to Zero History  have a good day

Monday, 25 February 2013

So Peter V. Brett the daylight war, I have now read 693 page not finished yet but will be soon. still enjoying it. Do wonder why fictional politics has less impact that reading real politics. Being Dyslexic is a jolly fine thing.

Friday, 22 February 2013

I have brought the new Peter V Brett. I am reading it it is good so far.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

I like when my sleeping dreams collide with my awake life. Last nights will a part of what I am currently writing. Children, zombies building a better world a better life beyond survival. Still that will come one out time.

I am back into William Gibson, "Zero History", It is full of characters from "Spook Country" It is quite pleasant to meet some old friends, I do find it nice to see what happens next, looking forward to this one.

I like the way Mr. Gibson draws me into a world so easily. Makes or enables me to care about people so very unlike me, in every way. If I ever meet him I'd thank him so much. I like his use of words I have to look up in dictionary. I like it when I learn new words. Dyslexia is a very grand thing, a good way to see the world. Have a good day, because someone has to. Go read book, sit on the beach, walk outside whatever the weather, join a Chinese new year party, teach someone else how start blog. enjoy this moment

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

So reading away and writing too. "The Philosophical Breakfast Club" I find it totally fascinating, I am wondering at the purpose and reason for education and training. I fully roundedness of these guys and their determination to work to change the world and science in particular, to make it better, to add a great degree of precision, to how the world is measured and observed, I is my own self interest to have as wide a set of interests as possible, to just be learning. always learning. So my dyslexia will become a tool to use, a way of looking at world that is rather neat. enjoy your day.

I haven't been able to read H.P. Lovecraft as my daughter won't give it back, sometimes you have to wait to take your turn, I am learning to wait.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Well it is February and my book buying fast is over, and I ma slowly easing my way back in. I have bought and read Vince Fynn's The Last Man, I have always enjoyed his writing. I might consider him a guilty pleasure, but I have way to much respect for Mitch to have any guilty. Then working my way into The Philosophical Breakfast Club, I find myself caught by a small idea or ideas. I would seem that I need a wider set of reading and experience, I need to be pushed  or drawn into, deeper set of ideas or rationales for being or doing what I do. Well that is some of my reading, buying now I have beautiful hard back edition of H.P. Lovecraft: The Complete Fiction, Wool by Hugh Howey: The Skinner by Neal Asher: I got that for a whole Dollar. To paraphrase the great thinker and swimmer Dory "Just keep swimming; Just keep swimming" Remember dyslexia is a rather fun way to see the world.